Migratory Birds Watching

Migratory Birds Watching in Jawai

We try to see as many bird species as possible. Our tracker (guides) will help you to see many species of birds in Jawai. It is one of the largest variees of birds observable in a parcular area. .Jawai Bandh has become paradise for birds lovers in past few years specialy in winters. Bird watching in Jawai is another most fascinating and alluring activity of Jawai and Bera because Jawai Bandh is the stopover of many migratory birds and ducks which is why this place is becoming the front-runner choice among the bird lovers.

Migratory Birds, Raptors and Residential Birds are center of attraction in Birdwatching activity by Jawai Rotela Camp. This Safari is not only limited to bird spotting but also aimed at better understanding of our biodiversity and environment. Many exotic bird species wander around like pelicans, cranes, flamingos, spoonbills, bar headed geese, and a lot birdlife. Spending hours while enjoying bird-watching at the beautiful lakeside will let you capture the most amazing bird species. It is the most surreal experience to relish which brings you closer to the birdlife and gives a chance to see these beautiful creatures of nature.

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