Wild life of Jawai

Wild Life in Jawai

Jawai leopard conservation reserve, at the foothills of the Aravali Mountain range enjoys a varied and magnificent topography. In Jawai – Bera region mostly hills and hillocks are surrounded by agriculture fields and covered by dry tropical deciduous vegetation like DHONK ( anogeissus pendula ), KUMMAT (acacia Senegal ), BER ( ziziphus mauritiana ), GOOGAL ( commiphora wightii ), KHEJRI ( prosopis cineraia ), HINGOTA ( balanites roxburghii ), KANKERA ( mytelus senegalsis ), UROJIA ( acacia ieucophloea ), PLASH / FLAME OF THE JUNGLE ( butea monosperma ), GANGANI (grewia tenax ), ANWAL (cassia auriculata ), KAIR (capparis deciduas ), THOR CACTUS (euphorbia caducifolia ) etc.

Adventure of jawai

Hills and hillocks of the granite boulders, waterholes and check dams are like some dots spread in this rocky terrain in this plain of adjoining Aravali Range. Hills with huge granite boulders and caves are home of the leopards, the forest covered with rocky terrain gives shelter to the Blu- bull, Chinkara [Indian gazelle ] , Wild boar, Sloth Bear, Wolf, striped Hyena, Jackals, fox, wild Cat, Porcupines and so many other Mammals, Reptiles and Birds.

These hills of Jawai – Bera region are covered with the vegetation of dry deciduous forest. The rainy streams down from slopes pass through agriculture fields in the plain. These streams flanked with bushes and small deciduous trees, mostly remain dry except monsoon and serve as a hidden path of wild animals to go one hill or terrain to another among cultivated fields and human settlements. Waterholes and check dams are plenty of in this area and are ideal to sight migrated aquatic birds in the winter. There are so many local birds and reptiles also.

A project of the Indian crocodile [mugger] in Jawai dam is also famous for protect the biodiversity of wilderness of this region. The Jawai River with its tributaries is a lifeline of the biodiversity of the region with human settlements, as well as wildlife also. The River comes from Aravali range and flows about 40 km. south to north till dam then turns to west toward Luni River. It flows between Aravali mountains range and its discontinued foothills. With tributaries, small streams from both sides it makes a wide shallow valley about 700 square kilometers. Major part of the leopard conservation reserve is in this area.

This valley is the cradle of the human settlements like tribes, graziers, shepherds, farmers and wildlife as well. See and meet all those in one drive, its make unique this region.

Rotela Lake

Rotela lake plays a key role in the wildlife of “Jawai leopard conservation area". The Rotela word drives from local language means large stone boulders. Amidst these granite boulders this lake has picturesque view. After Jawai reservoir it is an important waterhole which quench the thirst of wildlife of this area.

In feudal era it was made by Thakur Lal Singh ji of Varaval for domestic cattle and recharge underground water level . Now a days this beautiful small lake with its adjoining hills and vast plain forest area is famous for leopard sighting and experience the wilderness.

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